Fees Our Fees

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The firm provides a fee agreement from the start of its intervention.

As soon as the file is opened, a due diligence sheet is opened to record:
  • a summary of the services provided to the client,
  • the time spent at each stage of the file
  • and indication of the costs incurred.
Invoicing is established on the basis of this due diligence sheet which is communicated to the client.

Lawyer's fees are freely set in compliance with the provisions of the law of December 31, 1991 no. 1130 and the decree of November 27, 1991 no. 11971 and the decree of July 12, 2005 no. 790.

Forms The different forms of calculating fees

Fees for time spent

The lawyer specifies to his clients the hourly rate that they propose to apply if they choose the time spent method. He indicates to his clients the time likely to be devoted to the study and processing of the file. This rate may vary within the same firm depending on the cases handled. A higher hourly rate may be agreed in cases that justify it.

​Lump sum fees

The lawyer and his client agree on fixed and definitive fees. The procedures covered by these fees must be precisely indicated.

Fees based on results

The lawyer can agree with his client to set additional performance fees which must be expressly stipulated in an agreement previously concluded between the lawyer and his client but said agreement must also provide for main fees for diligence.

In the context of partial legal aid and in that of success fees, the obligation of a fee agreement is strictly defined by law.

Mediator National mediator for the consumption of the legal profession

In accordance with the provisions of articles L. 612-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code, you have the possibility, in the event of a dispute with a lawyer, to have recourse free of charge to the Consumer Mediator who will be the national mediator near the National Bar Council (CNB) and whose contact details are as follows:

Carole Pascarel, consumer mediator for the legal profession
Postal address: CNB, 180 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris
Email : mediateur-conso@mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr
Website: https://mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr
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